Thursday, October 30, 2014

Change Your Life

New Venus can totally reshape your body. Free eBook tells how!

Tornado Energy Drink

I have been a bit hesitant in trying new energy drinks. The last few have been so nasty that I couldn't begin to drink them.

I am happy to say that this drink does not fall within the "nasty" category!

The taste is somewhat similar to that of the 'Monster' energy drinks.

Tastes great, with a punch of effervescent. Gives you a quick energy burst that lasts about four hours. No quick bottoming out when it begins to wear off.

 I give this FIVE STARS...



Tornado is available from Amazon in packs of 24 at  $44.89. Supplies are limited at this time, so hurry to get yours!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Huggies Cool Alert Pull Ups

These are an amazing product for Mom's who have young children who are almost potty trained or who have nightly accidents.

Huggies Cool Alert.
These pull ups are super absorbent, so they will hold a lot if necessary. But with the first touch of dampness, they deliver a burst of cool to the toddler, alerting them of the necessity to go potty.
Great for daytime or nightly use.
I give Huggies Cool Alert Pull Ups ...
Five Stars and...

a Big Thumbs Up!


Hello everyone! This is a new review blog, by an old gal. Here I will give you reviews on products that I have tried, books I have read, and reports I think are worthy of your reading.

I am an old hand at writing reviews. And I've been writing for a very long time. However, this is my first blog ever to be totally committed to these posts.

So, I am hoping you will join us as we write reviews, and give us your take on these items as well!

To all, have a good day!
